Enriched by three great rivers flowing through it-the Chaliyar,Kadalundi and the Bharathapuzha,Malappuram has a rich and eventful history.The military headquarters of the Zamorins of Kozhikode since ancient times,this district was the venue for many of the Mappila revolts (Uprising against the British East India Company in Kerala) between 1792 and 1921.Malappuram ,literally a land atop hills ,hills has contributed much to the cultural heritage of Kerala.A famous centre for Hindu Vedic learning and Islamic philosophy, the temples and mosques of this region are well known for their spectacular festivals.Along with historic monuments and diverse natural attractions , a range of cultural and ritual art forms add to its values as a destination.
:(8 km south of Tirur) situated on the banks of the Bharathapuzha, this place was once the venue for Mamangam, a grand assembly of the rules of Kerala,held once in every 12 years.It is here that the Chaversoliders prayed for 41 days before embaking one their suicide mission to kill the Zamorine.This extravagant festival was conducted for the last time in 1766.Today , Thirunavaya is the venue for the annual SarvodayaMela.
(Close to Tirur Railway Station)Locally known as KanoliCanal,the block panchayat offers boating facilities that include shikaras which resemble a gondola,platform boats and speed boats that travel up to a Azhimugham 19km away. The trip down the canal is a rare experience.
Nedumkayam Rain Forest
(15km from Nilambur) This is one of the most beautiful and dense forests in kerala with a splendid variety of flora and fauna. An Integral part of the Nirgiri Biosphere Reserve ,this area is ideal for trekking.
Padinjarekkara Beach
At the end of the Tipusulthan Road near Ponnani, the beach offers a breathtaking view of the confluence of the Bharathapuzha, the TirurPuzha and the Arabian Sea. Tourists can enjoy a ride on water scooters or speed boats and also much on tidbits at the floating coffee shop.The beach famous for bird watching , as migratory birds often spotted here.
(70 km from Kozhikode) Situated on the banks of the Chaliyar River, this town is noted for tribal settlements , vast rain forests,waterfalls and extensive plantations of teakwood,resewood, mahogany and bamboo.This is also the original home of the Cholainaickans, the oldest aboriginaltribe of Kerala. The widely forested land is well known for Canoli’sPilot,the world’s oldest teak Plantation and bamboo woods.